Good Example: REST API & Velox PPT, Papre, Github
Construct project, with SBT & dependencies
The reference example project can be found on my github
- think-bayes [github], [Repository]
- probability density function of the standard normal distribution & cumulative density function of the standard normal distribution
- libraryDependencies += "net.ruippeixotog" % "think-bayes_2.11" % "0.1"
- probability density function of the standard normal distribution & cumulative density function of the standard normal distribution
- Other libraryDependencies
spark-core_2.10, spark-mllib_2.10, jblas - Using IntelliJ IDEA to package scala with spark
- The reason of the Scala for Eclipse is not comfortable in using
- Support code checking, cvs/ant/maven/git
- JDK, Scala
- Censored regression model, contains 5 scala class
- Main class -> TestTrainer.scala
- optimization.scala
- gradient.scala
- linalg.scala
- utils.scala
- build.sbt
- Ref to: spark-shell –packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.2.0
- spark-shell –packages net.ruippeixotog:think-bayes_2.11:0.1
- Using the think-bayes to check the Pdf() and Cdf() functions
- SBT package for think-bayes with scala 2.10.4
- ./bin/spark-shell –driver-class-path /home/azureuser/think-bayes-scala/target/scala-2.10/think-bayes_2.10-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- then, import thinkbayes._
sbt assembly methods
Scala library a project/assembly.sbt
- Add
-addSbtPlugin(“com.eed3si9n” % “sbt-assembly” % “0.14.1”) - When using sbt 0.13.5
- addSbtPlugin(“com.eed3si9n” % “sbt-assembly” % “0.11.2”)
- Add
Add in build.sbt
1 | mergeStrategy in assembly := { |
- Dependencies
1 | libraryDependencies ++= Seq( |
Ref to build spark using scala 2.11
Push source to Github with SourceTree
- new clone
- repositry
- commit
- push
Keen on study on the function of pdf and cdf in censored regression model
- Self-defined the function using normal distribution function
- f(x) -> 1/(sqrt(2pi)sigma) exp(-(x-u)^2/2*sigma^2)
- then f(x) accumulate to cdf
- Self-defined the function using normal distribution function