UCI Machine Learning Repository

Datasets Examples for machine learning

Here are the data sets from UCI Machine Learning Repository once I sorted and practiced. Some of the abstracts I summarized updated to my github CUIMachineLearningRepository.


Image Segmentation

  1. Data set website
  2. Datasets describe
    【1】The data used in our experiments were collected by Vision Group, University of Massachusetts.【2】We used to classify the image.【3】The instances were drawn randomly from a database of 7 outdoor images. The images were hand segmented to create a classification for every pixel. Each instance is a 3x3 region. Number of Attributes has 19 continuous attributes, each attribute can describes as region-centroid-col、region-centroid-row、region-pixel-count、short-line-density-5、short-line-density-2、 vedge-mean、vegde-sd、hedge-mean、hedge-sd、intensity-mean、rawred-mean、rawblue-mean、rawgreen-mean、exred-mean、exblue-mean、exgreen-mean、value-mean、saturatoin-mean、hue-mean.【4】The database has 2310 samples, respectively belong to training with 210 samples and testing with 2100 samples. The categories of network system include seven categories, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Category Distribution of Network System
Invasion Training Testing Total Number of Samples
Brickface 30 300 330
sky 30 300 330
Foliage 30 300 330
Cement 30 300 330
window 30 300 330
Path 30 300 330
grass 30 300 330
Total number of samples in total 210 2100 2310